Mont Venus
Certaines femmes ont un exces graisseux au niveau du pubis visible parfois a trvers les vetements et surtout en maillot de bain.
ce depot graisseux peut etre congenital ou appraitre apres prise de poids.
Il peut etre isolé ou associé à une forme du bassin qui accentue l'aspect bombé du pubis.
Le traitement est simple si il est graisseux: une mini lipoaspiration sous anesthesie locale.
Fatty accumulation in these areas can create aesthetic issues in clothing, undergarments, bathing suits, and when nude;
most of the time this procedure is performed along with Liposculpturing of other areas.
The best candidate for this procedure is a physically healthy, normal weight, person with firm, elastic skin, and with realistic goals.
These areas can be rejuvenated and lifted by excising excess skin above the pubic hair and removing excess fat in the pubic region.
The pubic liposuction and pubic lift procedure may be combined with a tummy tuck.